AIRFlowS Lab members are listed in bold.
- Elnahas, A., Gray, A., Lee, J., AlAmiri, N., Pokhrel, N., Allen, S. and Foroutan, H., 2025, “Atmospheric Deposition of Microplastics in South Central Appalachia in the United States,” ACS ES&T Air, 2(1): 64-72.
- Foroutan, H., Aryal, A., Craine, M. and Rakha, H., 2025. “Projecting airborne tire wear particle emissions in the United States in the era of electric vehicles,” Science of The Total Environment, 967: 178848.
- Rakha, H.A., Farag, M. and Foroutan, H., 2025. “Electric versus gasoline vehicle particulate matter and greenhouse gas emissions: Large-scale analysis,” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 140: 104622.
- Mardi, A.H., Hilario, M.R.A., Hanlon, R., Gonzalez-Martin, C., Schmale III, D.G., Sorooshian, A. and Foroutan, H., 2025, “Assessing Conditions Favoring the Survival of African Dust-Borne Microorganisms during Long-Range Transport across the Tropical Atlantic,” Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 5: 220-241.
- Bilyeu, L., González-Rocha, J., Hanlon, R., AlAmiri, N., Foroutan, H., Alading, K., Ross, S.D. and Schmale III, D.G., 2025, “Monitoring wind and particle concentrations near freshwater and marine harmful algal blooms (HABs),” Environmental Science: Advances, 4: 279-291.
- Nimmala, M., Ross, S., and Foroutan, H., 2024, “Cannabis pollen dispersal across the United States,” Scientific Reports, 14: 20605.
- Jarvis, A., Hossein Mardi, A., Foroutan, H., and Ross, S., 2024, “Atmospheric Transport Structures Shaping the “Godzilla” Dust Plume,” Atmospheric Environment, 333: 120638.
- Wong, D. C., Willison, J., Pleim, J. E., Sarwar, G., Beidler, J., Bullock, R., Herwehe, J. A., Gilliam, R., Kang, D., Hogrefe, C., Pouliot, G., and Foroutan, H., 2024, “Development of the MPAS-CMAQ coupled system (V1.0) for multiscale global air quality modeling,” Geosci. Model Dev., 17: 7855–7866.
- Brahney, J., Heindel, R.C., Gill, T.E., Carling, G., Gonzalez-Olalla, J.M., Hand, J., Mallia, D.V., Munroe, J., Perry, K., Putman, A.L., Skiles, M., Adams, B.R., Aanderud, Z., Aarons, S., Aguirre, D., Ardon-Dryer, K., Blakowski, M.B., Creamean, J.M., Fernandez, D., Foroutan, H., Gaston, C., Hahnenberger, M., Hoch, S., Jones, D.K., Kelly, K.E., Lang, O.I., LeMonte, J., Reynolds, R., Singh, R.P., Sweeney, M., and Merrill, T., 2024, “Dust in the Critical Zone: North American case studies,” Earth-Science Reviews, 258: 104942.
- Yang, H. and Foroutan, H., 2023, “Effects of near-bed turbulence on microplastics fate and transport in streams,” Science of The Total Environment, 905: 167173.
- Harb, C., Pokhrel, N., and Foroutan, H., 2023, “Quantification of the emission of atmospheric microplastics and nanoplastics via sea spray,” Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 10(6): 513-519.
- Moeltner, K., Fanara, T., Foroutan, H., Hanlon, R., Lovko, V., Ross, S., and Schmale, D., 2023, “Harmful algal blooms and toxic air: The economic value of improved forecasts,” Marine Resource Economics, 38(1): 1-28.
- Gonzalez-Rocha, J., Bilyeu, L., Ross, S., Foroutan, H., Jacquemin, S., Ault, A., and Schmale, D., 2023, “Sensing atmospheric flows in aquatic environments using a multirotor small uncrewed aircraft system (sUAS),” Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 3: 305-315.
- Huang, X. and Foroutan, H., 2022, “Effects of non-photosynthetic vegetation on dust emissions,” Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127: e2021JD035243.
- Bilyeu, L., Bloomfield, B., Hanlon, R., Gonzalez-Rocha, J., Jacquemin, S., Ault, A., Birbeck, J., Westrick, J., Foroutan, H., Ross, S., Powers, C., Schmale, D., 2022, “Drone-Based Particle Monitoring Above Two Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the USA,” Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 2: 1351-1363.
- Hanlon, R., Jacquemin, S.J., Birbeck, J.A., Westrick, J.A., Harb, C., Gruszewski, H., Ault, A.P., Scott, D.T., Foroutan, H., Ross, S.D., González-Rocha, J., Powers, C.W., Pratt, L., Looney, H., Baker G., and Schmale, D., 2022, “Drone-based water sampling and characterization of three freshwater harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the United States,“ Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 3: 949052.
- Harb, C., and Foroutan, H., 2022, “Experimental development of a lake spray source function and its model implementation for Great Lakes surface emissions,” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22: 11759-11779.
- Harb, C., Pan, J., DeVilbiss, S., Badgley, B., Marr, L., Schmale III, D., and Foroutan, H., 2021, “Increasing freshwater salinity impacts aerosolized bacteria,” Environmental Science & Technology, 55(9): 5731-5741.
- Brandao, R. and Foroutan, H., 2021, “Air quality in southeast Brazil during COVID-19 lockdown: combined satellite and ground-based data analysis,” Atmosphere, 12(5): 583.
- Gilliam, R. C., Herwehe, J. A., Bullock, O. R., Pleim, J. E., Ran, L., Campbell, P. C., and Foroutan, H., 2021, “Establishing the Suitability of the Model for Prediction Across Scales for Global Retrospective Air Quality Modeling,” Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126: e2020JD033588.
- Rudke, A. P., Martins, J. A., de Almeida, D. S., Martins, L. D., Beal, A., Hallak, R., Freitas, E. D., Andrade, M. F., Foroutan, H., Baek, B. H., and de A. Albuquerque, T. T., 2021, “How mobility restrictions policy and atmospheric conditions impacted air quality in the State of São Paulo during the COVID-19 outbreak,” Environmental Research, 198: 111255.
- Nolan, P., Foroutan, H., and Ross, S., 2020, “Pollution transport patterns obtained through generalized Lagrangian coherent structures,” Atmosphere, 11: 168.
- Harb, C. and Foroutan, H., 2019, “A systematic analysis of the salinity effect on air bubbles evolution: laboratory experiments in a breaking wave analog,” Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124: 7355-7374.
- Sarwar, G., Gantt, B., Foley, K., Fahey, K., Spero, T., Kang, D., Mathur, R., Foroutan, H., Xing, J., Sherwen, T., and Saiz-Lopez, A., 2019, “Influence of bromine and iodine chemistry on annual, seasonal, diurnal, and background ozone: CMAQ simulations over the Northern Hemisphere,” Atmospheric Environment, 213: 395-404.
- Barbieri, L., Kral, S.T., Bailey, S.C.C., Frazier, A.E., Jacob, J.D., Reuder, J., Brus, D., Chilson, P.B., Crick, C., Detweiler, C., Doddi, A., Elston, J., Foroutan, H., Gonzalez-Rocha, J., Greene, B.R., Guzman, M.I., Houston, A.L., Islam, A., Kemppinen, O., Lawrence, D., Pillar-Little, E.A., Ross, S.D., Sama, M., Schmale III, D.G., Schuyler, T.J., Shankar, A., Smith, S.W., Waugh, S., Borenstein, S., Dixon, C., and de Boer, G., 2019, “Intercomparison of small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS) measurements of the lower atmosphere during the LAPSE-RATE campaign,” Sensors, 19: 2179.
- Nolan, P., Pinto, J., González-Rocha, J., Jensen, A., Vezzi, C., Bailey, S., de Boer, G., Diehl, C., Laurence, R., Powers, C., Foroutan, H., Ross, S., and Schmale, D., 2018, “Coordinated unmanned aircraft system (UAS) and ground-based weather measurements to predict Lagrangian coherent structures (LCSs),” Sensors, 18: 4448.
- Foroutan, H., Tang, W., Heist, D., Perry, S., Brouwer, L., and Monbureau, E., 2018, “Numerical analysis of pollutant dispersion around elongated buildings: an embedded large eddy simulation approach,” Atmospheric Environment, 187: 117-130.
- Bullock, R., Foroutan, H., Gilliam, R., and Herwehe, J., 2018, “Adding four dimensional data assimilation by analysis nudging to the Model for Prediction Across Scales – Atmosphere (Version 4.0),” Geoscientific Model Development, 11: 2897-2922.
- Monbureau, E., Heist, D., Perry, S., Brouwer, L., Foroutan, H., and Tang, W., 2018, “Enhancements to AERMOD’s building downwash algorithms based on wind-tunnel and embedded-LES modeling,” Atmospheric Environment, 179: 321-330.
- Pye, H.O.T., Zuend, A., Fry, J.L., Isaacman-VanWertz, G., Capps, S.L., Appel, K.W., Foroutan, H., Xu, L., Ng, N.L., and Goldstein A.H., 2018, “Coupling of organic and inorganic aerosol systems and the effect on gas-particle partitioning in the southeastern US,” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18: 357-370.
- Foroutan, H. and Pleim, J., 2017, “Improving the simulation of convective dust storms in regional-to-global models,” Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 9(5): 2046-2060.
- Foroutan, H., Young, J., Napelenok, S., Ran, L., Appel, K., Gilliam, R., and Pleim, J., 2017, “Development and evaluation of a physics-based windblown dust emission scheme implemented in the CMAQ modeling system,” Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 9(1): 585-608 (selected as the cover page).
- Appel, K., Napelenok, S., Foley, K., Pye, H., Hogrefe, C., Luecken, D., Bash, J., Roselle, S., Pleim, J., Foroutan, H., Hutzell, W., Pouliot, G., Sarwar, G., Fahey, K., Gantt, B., Gilliam, R., Kang, D., Mathur, R., Schwede, D., Spero, T., Wong, D., and Young, J., 2017, “Description and evaluation of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model version 5.1,” Geoscientific Model Development, 10: 1703-32.
- Foroutan, H. and Yavuzkurt, S., 2016, “An axisymmetric model for draft tube flow at partial load,” Journal of Hydrodynamics, 28(2): 195-205.
- Foroutan, H. and Yavuzkurt, S., 2015, “Unsteady numerical simulation of flow in draft tube of a hydroturbine operating under various conditions using a partially-averaged Navier-Stokes model,” ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 137(6): 061101.
- Foroutan, H. and Yavuzkurt, S., 2015, “Numerical simulations of the near-field region of film cooling jets under high free stream turbulence: Application of RANS and hybrid URANS/LES models,” ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 137(1): 011701.
- Foroutan, H. and Yavuzkurt, S., 2014, “A partially-averaged Navier-Stokes model for the simulation of turbulent swirling flow with vortex breakdown,” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 50: 402-416.
- Mehdizadeh, A., Foroutan, H., Vijayakumar, G., and Sadiki, A., 2014, “A new formulation of scale adaptive simulation approach to predict complex wall bounded shear flows,” Journal of Turbulence, 15(10): 629-649.
- Foroutan, H. and Yavuzkurt, S., 2014, “Flow in the simplified draft tube of a Francis turbine operating at partial load−Part I: Simulation of the vortex rope,” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 81(6): 061010.
- Foroutan, H. and Yavuzkurt, S., 2014, “Flow in the simplified draft tube of a Francis turbine operating at partial load−Part II: Control of the vortex rope,” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 81(6): 061011.
- Foroutan, H. and Yavuzkurt, S., 2013, “A model for simulation of turbulent flow with high free stream turbulence implemented in OpenFOAM,” Journal of Turbomachinery, 135(3): 031022. (ASME-IGTI Best Technical Paper Award).
- Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Foroutan, H., and Rajabi-Zargarabadi, M., 2013, “Film cooling effectiveness in single row of holes: First moment closure modeling,” Journal of Energy Equipment and Systems, 1(1): 6-18.
- Foroutan, H. and Yavuzkurt, S., 2012, “Simulation of flow in a simplified draft tube: turbulence closure considerations,” IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth and Environmental Science, 15: 022020.
- Newsome, D., Sengupta, D., Foroutan, H., Russo, M.F., and van Duin, A.C.T., 2012, “Oxidation of silicon carbide by O2 and H2O: A ReaxFF reactive molecular dynamics study: Part I,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116: 16111-16121.